About Product Selection, Module Compatibility & Software Support

Hello, I have questions about module compatibility and software support of “Edge 2 Maker Kit Basic” product.

Modules i want to use :

-Khadas TS050 Touch Screen
-Quectel 5G NIR module
-OS08A10 8MP HDR Camera
-M2X WWAN Extension
-BAT-D01 Battery Module
-Juice BMS Module

1.Can we use all of the following modules/products at the same time? Are there any hardware limitations?

2.Are the drivers/software support of all modules ready in the Android 12 image provided by Khadas for the “Edge 2 Maker kit”? Can we start developing applications that will use these hardware immediately after operating system installation/configuration?

3.If the answer to my 1st/2nd question is negative, which product would you recommend instead of “edge 2”, considering our need for these modules & their software support?
