970evo 1tb on VIM4 (new m2x)

No need to reinstall, just use snap to install firefox.

$ sudo snap install firefox

it said firefox was installed so I used Synaptic Package Manager to reinstall it

To get back onto the original topic.

Is anyone else that got it working experiencing dropouts of the SSD? I’m using the latest (June 7th) 22.04 image installed via OOWOW with a 970 evo 250gb. I’m trying to run a build from the SSD and partway through I start to get I/O errors and the drive disappears and is no longer seen in GParted.

I don’t have a dmesg log, but I can grab one later.

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I had only ever tried to use the ssd once, where I have compiled opencv from source on the ssd. After 15 min it dropped out and was mounted in read only mode. Didn’t do much troubleshooting and assumed it was due to temperature of the ssd (no cooling what so ever on the ssd while I was testing)

As you mention it I will try again, and I am currently also experiencing similar problems with the onboard sd card slot. Only emmc and usb attached storage is working flawless for me currently.

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Thank you for confirming I’m not entirely out to lunch.

I also made some assumptions on temp the first time, but while quite warm I was still able to hold the SSD so it was for sure less than 60 C. I can try slapping a very large heatsink on the SSD and try again.

I can also try the onboard SD slot to confirm your observations, out of curiosity what SD card are you using?

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See here (64G SanDisk Extreme A2): https://forum.khadas.com/t/sd-card-not-working-properly
But i’ve tried severall ones, all with some sort of error as result

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Testing with 970evo 1TB (+fan on ssd) and the same script as in the sd thread (and the same server image). It also shows errors in f3read, see:

kernel throws erros on blk_update_requests

[   50.342147]  nvme0n1:
[   50.483522]  nvme0n1: p1
[   50.568223] EXT4-fs (nvme0n1p1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[   51.544077] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev nvme0n1, sector 12512 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x4000 phys_seg 127 prio class 0
[   51.544835] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev nvme0n1, sector 11496 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x4000 phys_seg 127 prio class 0
[   51.546226] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev nvme0n1, sector 14560 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x800 phys_seg 122 prio class 0
[   51.547622] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev nvme0n1, sector 13544 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x4800 phys_seg 127 prio class 0
[   51.549027] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev nvme0n1, sector 13528 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x0 phys_seg 2 prio class 0
[  516.562187] Now can use cma, free:6203, wm:6595

@numbqq might be related with the sd issues on my board

I get the same errors in my dmsg. Samsung 970. I also can’t use cifs or nfs for that matter. Just reflashed to the may 16 oowow, and June 7th ubuntu-gnome image.

Looks like identical issues here, with a Sabrent Rocket 4.0 NVME:

~$ lspci
00:00.0 PCI bridge: Synopsys, Inc. DWC_usb3 / PCIe bridge (rev 01)
01:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Phison Electronics Corporation E16 PCIe4 NVMe Controller (rev 01)
khadas@Khadas:~$ lsblk
mmcblk0      179:0    0 29.1G  0 disk 
mmcblk0boot0 179:32   0    4M  0 disk 
mmcblk0boot1 179:64   0    4M  0 disk 
zram0        253:0    0    0B  0 disk 
zram1        253:1    0  256M  0 disk [SWAP]
zram2        253:2    0  256M  0 disk [SWAP]
zram3        253:3    0  256M  0 disk [SWAP]
zram4        253:4    0  256M  0 disk [SWAP]
zram5        253:5    0    0B  0 disk 
khadas@Khadas:~$ dmesg | grep nvme
[    0.667044] nvme nvme0: pci function 0000:01:00.0
[    0.667098] nvme 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[   62.430582] nvme nvme0: I/O 24 QID 0 timeout, disable controller
[   62.430742] nvme nvme0: Identify Controller failed (-4)
[   62.430751] nvme nvme0: Removing after probe failure status: -5
khadas@Khadas:~$ uname -a
Linux Khadas 5.4.125 #1.0.10 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 25 13:56:56 CST 2022 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I’ve flashed the OOWOW to the latest version, but I have not re-imaged the eMMC using the latest version of the Ubuntu image (the Fenix version is higher on the latest image than the one I have).

Should I try that?

EDIT: I just used OOWOW to re-flash the eMMC.

NVME is recognized now. I guess there’s something in the image that’s not included in various updates via apt-get.

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apt-get is not ready for current image you install via OOWOW, so you can’t upgrade system via apt-get , we will release image with OTA upgrade next month,

I’m trying to format a 980 1tb without luck. At this point, when I try to format the drive, the process crashes. After rebooting, the drive is there, but not formatted or unusable.


I unboxed and setup my vim4 this morning (June 19th).

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Have you checked to see if there’s a firmware update in OOWOW? It’s separate from the section that lets you flash an image on the drive.

Nope, just started playing with the device a couple of hours ago.

Can you use OOWOW to install this image to check again? vim4-ubuntu-22.04-gnome-linux-5.4-fenix-1.0.11-220607-emmc-develop.raw.img.xz

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Also, you might want to try checking for a firmware (?) update in OOWOW.

When it drops you into the interface to flash the eMMC, cancel out of that and you’ll get a menu with more options, one of which will be to check for an update to the firmware.

I threw some heatsinks on the SSD I was using and continued to have issues. The heatsink was very much not not either.

I however got slightly different errors (although I haven’t tried to reproduce the errors yet). I see the controller being reset and then everything entering a funny state. I will try to reproduce the errors and get a dmesg capture once I have some time to do so.

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100% new to this, so please bear with me.

When @numbqq said to use the new image, does that mean I need to completely wipe and reinstall the OS?

edit -
I accidentally reinstalled the OS using the latest available from OW, but I’m still unable to format SSD.

what I’m doing:
open Gparted
select the drive
create partition table (type: gpt)
new partition:
name: storage
file sys: ext4
label: storage


64-bit filesystem support is not enabled.  The larger fields afforded by this feature enable full-strength checksumming.  
Pass -O 64bit to rectify.<br />Discarding device blocks: done                            
<br />Creating filesystem with 244190208 4k blocks and 61054976 inodes<br />
Filesystem UUID: 94d86d9e-e24d-45ec-1111<br />
Superblock backups stored on blocks: <br />	
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208, <br />	4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872, 71663616, 78675968, <br />	102400000, 214990848<br /><br />Allocating group tables: done                            
<br />Writing inode tables: done                            <br />Creating journal (262144 blocks): done<br />Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information:    0/7453</i>

Yes. But you can copy your current drive image to your SD-card or other storage with dd and xz first, so that you can restore it if you choose.

Here’s the script I use to create backup images:

# mkimg.sh This script will create a compressed disk image
\ # LGD Sat 18 Jun 2022 10:08:35 AM PDT

echo -e “\nEnter the device to backup: \c”
read DEV;echo
echo -e “Enter the name of the output fille: \c”
read FNAME;echo
echo -e “$(tput smso)Using input device:$(tput rmso) $DEV\t$(tput smso)Output file:$(tput rmso) $FNAME\n”
echo -e “Is this correct [Ny]? \c”
read; [[ $REPLY != [yY] ]] && exit
echo -e “\n$(tput smso)Enter to begin coping$(tput rmso) “$DEV” to “$FNAME”: \c”
dd if=“$DEV” bs=1M conv=noerror conv=sync status=progress >“$FNAME”
xz -T4 -v “$FNAME”
ls -l “$FNAME”



@LDighera : Thanks, Larry! This is awesome. I assume it should work on any Linux where dd is installed? Will it work if run from the boot drive, on the boot drive? I know Linux puts locks on certain files, but those are system level and shouldn’t stop user files from being backed up, right?

@NullOrEmpty , I went through this a couple times getting started; the VIM4 is advanced enough over something like a Pi that there’s a bit of a learning curve. :slight_smile:

Have you updated the VIM4’s software? This is a different process than flashing the eMMC, and the closest thing I can analogize it to is flashing the BIOS or firmware. I assume that’s what it’s doing? Since everything is still in beta, there aren’t changelogs, but I’m pretty sure hardware support bugfixes can rely on getting the latest firmware.

When you get into OOWOW, it’ll offer to let you flash the eMMC. Cancel out of that and you’ll get a menu with more options. One of them is a software update. I’m guessing you’ll have one available.

@SinisterPisces dd is available on all *nix systems. It is a low-level bit copier, and knows nothing of files.
My little script will copy live/mounted drives, and as such, the data is changing, so there is possibility for issues. But, it works for me.