MultiOS_3in1 (Android+Libreelec+Linux) install to eMMC

Please am baby when it comes to linux…can i flash multiOS like the normal way of flashing…that is via PC…thanks.

Installation MultiOS 3in1 is only possible through external media.

Once create media (SD card or USB flash drive) with graphics (MATE or XFCE, all the images are on the site) and in the future you will be able to quickly install all versions. Launched the system from external media. Opened the browser (you can add to favorites, a link to a site with firmware). Chose the right firmware. Downloaded it immediately to the directory /ddbr on the media from which you are running the system. Opened a terminal and executed the command update. You can perform all actions directly on the VIM2 without using a PC. Save the created SD card or USB flash drive with and you can immediately use to install new firmware or restore the system. Pay attention to all console and GUI images contain built-in bootloader u-boot. This will allow to start the system from the SD card and to restore the destruction \ damage the u-boot bootloader in eMMC. Lock the M register when enabled and the system will automatically boot from SD card.

Thank you… @balbes150

The new version MultiOS_3in1 20171013

The principal changes.

  1. Replaced the bootloader u-boot on new version that supports kernel 4.9.40.
  2. LibreELEC updated to the latest version.
  3. Fixed in LibreELEC menu items “Reboot into Android” and “Reboot Linux”.
  4. In Ubuntu, replace the kernel with the “4.9.26” with “4.9.40”.
  5. Fixed a script the primary settings of Ubuntu.
  6. Updated the script fan control.

Hi Balbes150,

I download Balbes150_VIM2_Ubuntu-server-16.04_Linux-4.9_V171008, and unpack the archive, found that the size of image is about 15GB, does it right?

nick@Server:~$ ls -alh KVIM2-emmc.img 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nick nick 15G Oct 14 12:16 KVIM2-emmc.img

I’m not sure whether I did something wrong.


Hi Numbqq

I’m using another principle of installation and creation of the firmware. It is an exact copy of the content of eMMC. It is not necessary to unpack. To install this firmware to eMMC, you need to run Linux from external media and execute a special script (kvim2-update). Script “kvim2-update”

itself writes the firmware to the eMMC. To run Linux from external media, you can use one of these ready-made images


or you can use existing images Armbian, ArchLinux, OpenSUSE, which are designed to run from SD card or from USB. The General steps for installing the firmware in the eMMC I described in the beginning of the topic. If something is not clear, write, I will try to write more. Maybe those who already tried the system install the firmware, I’ll write my step-by-step.

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Hi Balbes150,

Thanks for your kindly explanation.I will try again.:grinning:

Hi Balbes150,

I’ve installed Balbes150_VIM2_Ubuntu-server-16.04_Linux-4.9_V171008 on eMMC, so where can I find the modifications?


I found this in /etc/apt/sources.list

#add 20171008
deb xenial main restricted universe multiverse
#deb-src xenial main restricted universe multiverse

deb xenial-security main restricted universe multiverse
#deb-src xenial-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb xenial-updates main restricted universe multiverse
#deb-src xenial-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse
#deb-src xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse

Yes, in this and in the settings of the network card.

While I was writing the answer, you already found them yourself. :slight_smile:

I suggest to change the name of the partition on the eMMC with the “rootfs” to “linux” . It is more versatile and does not interfere with the launch system with SD and USB media.

So try to use root=/dev/linux for booting from eMMC?

To change the name of partition “rootfs” in dtb file.


Version update MultiOS_3in1 20171017.

Fixed the dtb file and the startup script in Libreelec to work on all boards VIM2 (2GB\3Gb RAM). Tested on models VIM2 MAX and Basic.

Pay attention. When you first start you may receive a warning from the Android, select “Erase”.

Please how do i solve overscanning

I have been able to run Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_mate_20171007.img via external media. The next step is how to execute kvim2-update and also writing the new firmare Armbian+Android+Librelec


I’m having problems with the official Ubuntu Mate image for Vim2. It does not load the cifs module, which I need to mount a share from a NAS. I would like to know if your version, present in the link has kernel in different version. From what I’ve been reading in github, the 4.9.40 kernel should resolve this, the original has kernel 4.9.26.
If your version does not have this fix, you have the 4.9.40 kernel in .deb to install. And I would also like to know if there are kernel headers in .deb, as this does not seem to be in APT-GET for installation.

You have created a full backup of the current state of the eMMC ?

  1. The specified version is an exact copy of the official firmware. So it kernel exactly the same 4.9.26
  2. New kernel “4.9.40” is part of the firmware MultiOS_3in1
  3. If you need, I can upload the deb packages with the kernel “4.9.40”.
  4. You can pick up - “4.9.40” from source (making configuration changes) from git and install it as usual in your system.

The new version MultiOS_3in1 20171018.

Important update. I replaced the previous version of Ubuntu to the version which is used in Armbian (with all packages and settings). Added to system menu and applications menu two additional points for a straight reboot into Android and Libreelec. Fixed a USB drives, now when I connect the USB flash drive it is immediately available to the user (on the desktop). Now works correctly “mozo”. Pay attention, when you first start on the new equipment, a warning will be issued “Encryption unsuccessful” and choose “Reset media box”.

Thank you. I will test this version MultiOS_3in1. Can you tell if the CIFS module is OK in it? I think it will be interesting to give more functions to the device, also because Ubuntu does not seem to be accelerating for Kodi any time soon. Very annoying that Amlogic does not fix the GPU drivers for Linux.
My main purpose is to have a server for my own systems, but I would like to have Kodi accelerated. Today I do this easily with Raspberry Pi 2. Khadas is an upgrade for it.
Another question … Wifi and BT are working on this 3 in 1?