Install Oracle Linux 7.4 (ARM) on Khadas Vim 2

How to install Oracle Linux 7.4 ARM to Khadas Vim 2 ?
I download image for RPI3 from and do not know how install it to device. Perhaps use toos for PC “USB Upgrade Tool” ?
Or write image to SD card and use it? (Dont want to by SD card :slight_smile: )

Hi, korotkov:
it seems that you still need build a new ROM/image for VIM2 first, the image for RPI3 cannot works for VIM2.

We haven’t build Oracle Linux yet, but I think you can refer Ubuntu/Armbian Linux for information, more details at:

BTW, might I know that why you need to install Oracle Linux on VIM2?

Hi Gouwa! Thanks for advice! Additional thanks for rapid answer.
Oracle linux not a principial, i use that one on work and know it more.

What kind of OS do you advice for use JAVA JVM ?
Khadas Vim2 need me for use as test micro server, with JVM.
(Java support ARM platform -
May be Ubuntu 16.04 (VIM2_Ubuntu-server-16.04_Linux-4.9_V170922) from off khadas site?

Yep, I think Ubuntu should also works, anyway you can take a try by Googling it.

Good luck!