[FIXED] Running Ubuntu-mate headless (no hdmi)


I would like to run Ubuntu-mate headless (meaning that sometimes I will not have a hdmi monitor plugged in).

I configured a very simple auto-launch script (using Ubuntu-mate Auto start program) that play a sound when logged in. Of course, I configured Mate to auto-login my user (khadas). When a monitor is plugged everything works fine, but without a monitor the script is not running…

How to run Ubuntu-mate without a real monitor (headless)?

It was a bug on my side… sorry for the noise.

I can auto-login the khadas user using in Ubuntu-mate and running custom script with or without a monitor. Wicked.


I’d like to ask some more details about how you did succeed to start Khadas Vim with Ubuntu MATE without the HDMI monitor. For me it does not start without the monitor (I cannot get ping response or ssh connect in this case). Have no auto login users but can it really prevent starting the network and services?