Experience with gyro?

I have tried to debug for it. And the kernel driver work well for mma8452 sensor.
But the Android sensor HAL is 32bit library file. Unluckly, our VIM2 system is 64bit and I haven’t the sensor HAL source code.
I wish the amlogic has the 64bit ‘sensors.amlogic.so’ file and can provide it for me :joy:


Witch HAL interface VIM2 use… maybe you can update it like in this article described…


I’m very sorry for the sensor support. I asked the amlogic to give me the 64bit sensor library file, But they said the sensor library is not being maintained and can’t provide the new sensor library for me. :joy:

As you said, do it need a lot of time.


Hi MaKo:
As Amlogic SoCs are designed for TV-Box or TVs, so there source code didn’t develop to support screen roatation features, Terry check the source code and also double confirm with Amlogic engnieers: it will require a huge works to done that.

So, currently, we still cannot support for this.


Oo… oh no… :slightly_frowning_face:

What do you think how much time it will take or how much work it will be? Can you explain it a bit, please?

Some news available? Maybe an new board?

Yes, as Amlogic SoC is designed for TV/TVBox application, so the SDK code is not well suit for rotation.

I think if your project can wait some time, recommend you to chose our new board which is based on RK3399.

Sounds really great… witch timescale? Do you know the Android version? And is the PlayStore included as usual?

The Android version is 8.1 and the PlayStore is included as usual.

When it will be ready to order?