Building and running Lineage OS on Khadas VIM

I was wondering if anyone tried to build and run Lineage OS on Khadas VIM?

The key thing I like in Lineage OS is it’s privacy features and its own superuser app which is opensource while SuperSU isn’t. I have built Lineage OS for my Nexus 6 and really like it. However, some root apps indeed compain about superuser app being different than SuperSU.

If Lineage OS is problematic to adapt to Khadas VIM, maybe anyone had success using it with opensource Superuser and its frontend app?


i like lineageos,
i would really appreciate to have it on kvim1,
let s try to port it !
your previous experience on nexus will be very valuable

is there anyone else wanting to join in and contribute ?


to begin with, I started with rebuilding the khadas android nougat;
but my 31G free disk drive was not enough to even sync the repo ,
I need to phone back santa Claus for a complementary hard drive :blush:

Good I’m not the only one interested :grinning: I’ll be syncing decent Khadas Android and LineageOS some time soon, will try to see what’s missing.

Basically in addition to base LineageOS sources we need device specific definition (shall I call it build script?) and drivers. I think we can find pretty much all drivers in original Khadas repositories, so porting LineageOS for Khadas should be doable.


hi, any update ?
did you start something ?
what kind of help would you need to get started :crazy_face: